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The Executable class allows to abstract an executable. It inherits from the tinyscript.Path class, based on pathlib's one.

>>> from pbox import Executable

Use Cases

This class can be used in four different ways:

  1. As a classical Path instance
  2. As a classical Path instance with a Dataset instance bound
  3. With no positional arguments for describing a path but a Dataset instance and a hash as keyword-arguments ; this will bind the Executable instance to the dataset and make the path point to the executable with the given hash from within the dataset
  4. From an Executable instance as positional argument with a Dataset instance as keyword-argument ; in this case, the new Executable will have the properties of the input one and the file will be copied to the bound dataset

Supported Formats

This abstraction handles multiple executable formats sorted in categories:

  +-- ELF
  |     +-- ELF32           ^(set[gu]id )?ELF 32-bit
  |     +-- ELF64           ^(set[gu]id )?ELF 64-bit
  +-- Mach-O
  |     +-- Mach-O32        ^Mach-O 32-bit
  |     +-- Mach-O64        ^Mach-O 64-bit
  |     +-- Mach-Ou         ^Mach-O universal binary
  +-- MSDOS                 ^MS-DOS executable\s*
  +-- PE
        +-- .NET            ^PE32\+? executable (.+?)\.Net assembly
        +-- PE32            ^PE32 executable
        +-- PE64            ^PE32\+ executable

Each processing depending on categories flattens its list from this tree structure ; e.g. ["PE", "ELF64"] will be expanded to [".NET", "PE32", "PE64", "ELF64"]

Executable Class

This class subclasses ts.Path (from Tinyscript), itself extending pathlib.Path with additional methods.

>>> exe = Executable("hello-world.exe")

>>> exe.category

>>> exe.ctime
datetime.datetime(2021, 7, 8, 7, 41, 4, 875819)

>>> exe.hash

{'dll_characteristics_1': 0, 'dll_characteristics_2': 0, 'dll_characteristics_3': 0, [...]

This abstraction facilitates the retrieval of important attributes and the integration of new features.


  • _dataset: parent Dataset instance (if any)
  • label: packer label (if any)


  • ctime *: creation time as a datetime instance
  • data *: set of features computed based on the format
  • destination *: destination path for integrating the executable into a dataset (only works if a Dataset instance is bound)
  • features: dictionary of features (key: feature name, value: feature description)
  • filetype *: file type description (based on python-magic)
  • format *: executable format (e.g. PE, ELF32, .NET)
  • hash *: file hash (based on hashlib)
  • metadata: dictionary with properties (see hereafter) realpath, format, size, ctime and mtime
  • mtime *: last modification time as a datetime instance
  • realpath *: real path the executable comes from (only works if a Dataset instance is bound)
  • size: size of the executable as an integer

    * cached_property


  • copy(): copy the file to self.destination, that is, to the dataset it is bound to (note that its permissions are restricted to READ for the owner, that is user)
  • update(): triggers the removal of the cached properties filetype, format and hash for further recomputation
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